We are delighted to welcome you as a new member of the TBS team. In the coming days and weeks, you will gain a better understanding of who we are and how we operate. You can also seek assistance from your Supervisor, Manager, or any other member of theĀ TBS staff.
We are aware that the first day of a new job can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. It is normal to experience a range of emotions, but we ensure that you feel positive, at ease, and grateful to be a part of a great mission. Relax, take the time to introduce yourself to your coworkers and familiarise yourself with the workplace, and be receptive to your supervisor’s feedback. Most importantly, enjoy yourself and be yourself!
You need to perform below operations on 1st day.
Please plan to arrive at the designated time and location as instructed by HR team. Then reporting to reception desk or HR department to start your onboarding process.
Document Submission
In the offer letter, we list a few documents that must be submitted to the HR department on day one. You are required to submit documents to HR. Please bring all the required paperwork to ensure a smooth onboarding process.
You will also get your appointment letter which you have to sign and submit one copy to HR team and keep one copy with you.
You will also have to study full NDA and have to sign it and give it to HR Team.
Check in with your supervisor
After the completion of your paperwork, you will be introduced to your supervisor. Typically, this is an individual in the same department as you. Your supervisor will assist you in becoming familiar with team-specific tools, will guide you through your Onboarding Plan, and can answer any questions regarding your work. He will also introduce you to a member of your team and other senior company officials.
Get your partner for work
The resource team will provide you with all the tools necessary to complete your tasks, including a computer, webcam, headphones, email account, and company documents.
Get your Email address
You will receive an email address that you need to use for all future company-related communication, whether with team members, clients, or management. Please perform below 3 steps after getting email address.
Change default provided password
Setup email in phone and computer outlook
Setup your email signature as per company stander. See example
For the safety of our team members and our customers, it is crucial to maintain security. Please review our security section and adhere to all of its recommendations. Please contact the HR department for more information if you require clarification.
Business Card
You will receive your registered digital business card via email; if any information is incorrect, please contact the administration team. Physical NFC card will be shared within 15 days.
Update LinkedIn Profile
We require all of our team members to adhere to fundamental standards in order to present our brand image. Therefore, it is required to update your LinkedIn profile, necessitating a new cover letter and professional summary.
Update your cover image, download it from here
Make sure your profile picture is clear and cover 80% by your face. Eg. see sample here
Update your professional summary to include your new position at Technobot System
If you have completed all of your tasks, feel free to relax by reading a book or conversing with team members.